㊙️ The Secret Space

The secret folder in your device that helps you hide your photos and videos behind a PIN-code

What is the Secret Space?

The Secure Drive is a private folder stored on your device.

When you move a photo to the Secure Drive, the photo is encrypted and moved to this invisible folder. You have a double security : the photos are not visible from a file manager or another app and the photos are encrypted with a unique key that only you have access to.

How does the Secret Space work?

There is a private folder located in the .Piktures folder. The dot (".") in front of the folder makes it invisible to most file managers and apps.

Inside this folder, all the secret photos and secret videos are located. Their names have been changed and the content is encrypted with a private key which is unique to your email address and your device.

The benefits of this implementation is the strong security. This implementation offers a much stronger security than a naive implementation with a .nomedia file added to a folder. The files are encrypted and cannot be decrypted without the key.

The drawbacks is that when the photos and videos are secured, they are actually encrypted on-the-fly and moved to a subfolder inside the .Piktures folder. The encryption and decryption is slower than a simple move.

However, this is the only way to ensure a truly Secure Drive.

Setting up your Secure Drive

Step 1 -

Slide on the Left.

Step 2

Slide on the left again

You then need to click on Secure Drive

How to secure photos in the Secure Drive

There are 2 ways to Secure photos

  1. You select one ore multiple photos and you click on Secure in the option.

2. You go to the Secure Drive and click on the +

Why do you need my email?

To be able to offer a super secure feature, we need to have a unique identifier that will be associated to you only. We could have used your phone number but many people have tablets without SIMs so the best option for a unique personal ID was email.

This email address is verified so that we are sure that it is you holding it.

Thanks to this email address, a unique key is created to secure your files via encryption.

How do I change my PIN code for the Secure Drive?



Last updated